Sunday, May 24, 2009

New waterlily WIP

I have started another waterlily in oil pastels and hope to get a series going. One of the artists who shares my studio does digitally enhanced images of wildflowers and weeds of the area. We are hoping to put together a show for next year and the waterlilies would be part of it. The garden has taken a lot of my time of late but it is getting under control so hope to get to my studio more often. This started with an oil underpainting.


  1. Nice!
    I love your leaves on your lillies. Juicy and so real... sun is shining right through... ( I mean both works, the first one too).
    BTW, you mentioned "need get a frame" for the first one. What frames do you usually get for your works ?

  2. Nice!
    I love your leaves on your lillies. Juicy and so real... sun is shining right through... ( I mean both works, the first one too).
    BTW, you mentioned "need get a frame" for the first one. What frames do you usually get for your works ?

  3. Tatiana, I usually take my painting to the frame center in the next town and get a frame that I think looks good with the painting, always wood. They cut it to size and I do the rest. Recently I discovered a designer in our building who can get the same frames(if I give him the #) for a lot less, so I am working with him now.

  4. It's a great idea for a series, Pat and lovely as always :) I know how that garden steals time lol!

  5. Nice. I like the idea of a series.
    I'll have to check out the frame guy. I've been unhappy with some frames I've ordered which turned out to be 'composite'.
    I was up to my studio Tuesday and am cleaning out all unfinished or hopeless work. Right into the bonfire pile. Very freeing.

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments. I've been to that bonfire myself, especially when I moved to this

  7. Patricia, I just found your blog and I can't believe these are oil pastels! I didn't think such details and beautiful blending could be achieved with them. Wow. Your work is so gorgeous.

  8. Nice idea how to show all the stages to follow the progress! Beautiful painting, as usually!

  9. Thanks everyone, I hope to have more updates next week.
