Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 24

This is the last day of the challenge and I want to thank Leslie so much for starting this. I have learned much this month, even though I didn't quite get 30 paintings done. I learned a lot more about the medium I use and I also learned how to paint better, making every stroke count. This challenge was the perfect nudge I needed after the holidays and weeks away from my studio.
This bird arrived in our yard 2 years agao during a very snowy winter. He liked the bird seed. Not sure whatever happened to him as we have not seen him since.


  1. This bird is a total charmer. I love this painting. A delight to see your work in this 30 day challenge.

  2. Thanksm Susan. I really enjoyed the challenge.

  3. This is probably one of your best...a beautiful bird which I would have loved to see myself, with such amazing colors! Love it.
