I just finished another commissioned portrait. This is rendered in oil pastel on toned paper. It is a portrait of a retiring Greek Orthodox priest from a nearby town. The clients will be picking it up tomorrow, always the nervous part...
Here is the latest wildlife to our bird feeder. These turkeys stayed around for 3 hours and then wandered away. Hard to believe we have this assortment of wildlife, given we live on a busy highway. However, out yard backs up to a pond and some woods.
The squirrel was really freaked out when these birds arrived.....lol
There were actually 6 of them. Somehow the sixth one didn't get in the picture. Shy maybe...
I had a little time to work on this today so started the reflections. I won't be able to get back to it until next week, but hope to finish it soon as I would like to put it in an upcoming show.
This is another in my series of flowers in a square format, 16" x 16". Oil pastel on gessoed masonite. I started with an oil paint underpainting and then started applying oil pastels. Here is the progress. Still have to do the reflections.
I just had to show the visitors to our birdfeeder. They have been here every evening for the past week. Several years ago we had a pair that came every day for a month and then took a swim in our neighbor's pool. We named them Harry and Madeline as the male reminded my husband of his grandfather, always following his grandmother around. The male mallard is very protective, before she lays eggs. Wonder if it is the same pair.....lol
I think this is almost finished now except for some tweaking. I do have lettering to go on the bottom and now seeing it up on the screen, I might have to put a tone behind the station, but will talk to the client first.
Here is an update to the firemen portrait. I started the station house and the front is just about done. Now I have the 2 side sections to add and then I shall be done. I really don't like doing architectural drawings so I found this a bit tedious.
Friday, April 3, 2009
I am presently doing a commission portrait of 5 firefighters in one family. This is done in graphite and each head is approximately 3 1/2 inches tall. The fire station will be in the middle w/ a title underneath that. I really hope to finish this by the end of the week as I have another to start on.